Cohesity and Veritas have joined forces!

See why this is a game changer for the data security space.


Remain compliant, even as regulations and data change

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to any business controlling or processing the personally identifiable information (PII) of European Union residents. Don’t let mass data fragmentation and cyber threats jeopardize your ability to comply with GDPR restrictions—and put your business at risk of a costly violation.

One Platform Icon


Simplify compliance by converging data onto a single software-defined platform that leverages Zero Trust principles and advanced data security.

Icon Automation


Reduce IT burdens with a single user interface and policy-based automation.

Cloud Ready Icon


Meet ever-changing requirements with a platform designed for flexibility.

GDPR Overview Image
Use cases

Gain speed, agility, and reliability

Integrate data protection into all data collection and retention activities. Reduce your EU resident personal data footprint and place controls over it while boosting data visibility. Monitor and quickly report breaches.

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Aggregate data for faster processing

Avoid making data copies and managing multiple legacy products, reducing the threat of noncompliance.

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Protect EU personal data across workloads

Achieve unparalleled operational efficiency at scale by consolidating data silos and sources on a single platform.

Simplified Icon

Automate for consistency

Streamline compliance by specifying data retention periods through automated policies.

Cohesity helps you stay vigilant, boosting data management and protection

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Secure against unauthorized access

Get end-to-end security and help ensure only authorized users can access EU personal data thanks to encryption and multifactor authentication.

Cloud Ready Icon

Gain granular access control with flexibility

Help ensure only authorized users have access to specific data with role-based access control permissions.

Protect Icon

Protect against ransomware

Take advantage of data immutability and DataLock so backup data can’t be modified or deleted. Prevent, detect, and respond fast to ransomware.

Icon Management

Enjoy centralized management

Minimize data copies and reduce your attack footprint while maximizing your agility.

Icon Automation

Automate policies

Establish granular control by automating EU resident personal data retention and life cycle management.

Scale Icon

Relocate files on-demand

Efficiently move files to a single location to minimize the spread of EU resident personal data across your environment.

Reporting Icon

Schedule updates

Schedule updates to data maps that delineate the location and movement tracking of personal data, including its retention policies, access rights, and where it’s categorized and stored.

Streamline reporting Icon

Streamline reporting

Complete Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) as needed per GDPR requirements.

Cloud icon

Be cloud-ready

Integrate with all leading public clouds, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, for easy, rapid scaling without a bolt-on cloud gateway.

Easy data access icon

Search globally

Search within unstructured data for EU personal data categories. Input patterns and their variations or file types to scan using templates.

Google Cloud Benefits Longterm Icon

Get analytics

Report search results in txt file format or integrate with third-party data visualization or analytics tools.

Analytics Icon

Build custom analytics apps

Inject custom code to run data processing jobs on stored data using Cohesity App SDKs.

white lists Icon

Use whitelists

Prevent portability of EU personal data using white lists.


Get notifications

Receive notifications when data is tiered, archived, or replicated to a non-Cohesity target.

Export logs Icon

Export logs

Export cluster- and system-level audit logs for additional analytics and breach detection.

Related products and solutions

We found a clear benefit to the simple scale-out design of Cohesity. It was an obvious advantage that the Cohesity architecture was based on hyperconverged nodes of both compute and storage."

Marteinn Sigurdsson

Infrastructure Architect, Thekking

Learn more about GDPR compliance solutions

GDPR compliance refers to adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a set of regulations designed to protect the privacy and personal data of European Union (EU) citizens. It entails implementing appropriate measures to ensure data protection, obtaining consent, providing transparency, and fulfilling individuals’ rights regarding their data.

GDPR compliance involves several steps, including conducting data audits, implementing privacy policies and procedures, obtaining consent for data processing, ensuring secure data storage and transfer, appointing a Data Protection Officer (DPO), if required, responding to data breaches, and regularly reviewing and updating compliance measures to maintain ongoing adherence to GDPR regulations.

The GDPR regulates organizations that process personal data of individuals located in the European Union (EU), regardless of whether the organization itself is based in the EU. This includes businesses, government entities, nonprofit organizations, and any other entities that handle the personal data of EU citizens when offering goods or services or monitoring their behavior.

Learn more
Solution Brief
Streamlining GDPR compliance with Cohesity
Learn more
GDPR simplified: Distilling its significance on infrastructure
Learn more
GDPR one year in: What’s stopping organizations from achieving compliance?
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