What is data mobility?

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Data mobility is the ability to move data from and between clouds, on-premises data centers, remote sites, mobile devices, and the network edge. Data mobility is crucial in ensuring that sensitive information remains safe and accessible no matter where it resides or how an organization uses it. An essential part of enterprise data mobility is identifying the right workloads to move and move them as quickly, safely, and cost-effectively as possible while maintaining chain-of-custody and reporting integrity.

Data mobility benefits include improved employee productivity, cost savings, accelerated application development, faster testing and business acceptance of those applications, and enhanced data protection.

Why is data mobility important?

To operate effectively and efficiently, organizations must be able to access their data from the right place at the right time and to move it around whenever and wherever they want flexibly. In short, enterprise data mobility frees companies from the constraints and silos created by disparate infrastructure architectures in clouds, on-prem, and at the edge.

Here are some of the critical reasons enterprise data mobility is essential:

  • Extract full value from all your data Businesses today need to harvest value from all their structured and unstructured data. This means making data capable of seamlessly moving across heterogeneous on-prem, remote, and cloud environments to be accessible everywhere, whenever required.
  • Improve security and business continuity In the event of data loss or an attack, having multiple copies of data and being able to transfer them between systems ensures that organizations can restore operations quickly with minimal downtime. Encryption and secure transfer protocols are essential for protecting data during this process.
  • Accelerate application development — Being able to access your data no matter where it resides, seamlessly and swiftly, speeds up application development and testing, while streamlining the entire application development lifecycle.
  • Reduce expenses Traditional data migration, data replication, and data synchronization processes are complicated and costly. By simplifying data management, organizations can optimize resource utilization, scale infrastructure as needed, and adapt to changing business requirements without data silos.
  • Enhance user productivity Whether mobile staff, employees in remote offices, business partners, or customers, your people need to access data—files, applications, and services—whenever and wherever it resides. By eliminating the siloed islands of data throughout your enterprise, data mobility allows employees to collaborate effectively, work remotely, and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

What is enterprise data mobility in cloud computing? And why does it matter?

Cloud adoption has accelerated over the last few years, partly due to the shift towards remote work. As a result, organizations have realized that their businesses can achieve greater agility, scalability, business continuity, and resilience by using that cloud.

Today, data mobility is critical to enterprise cloud-first initiatives. Businesses are integrating multiple clouds with existing on-prem and edge infrastructures—all while enabling seamless data movement across heterogeneous on-prem, remote, and cloud environments.

Increasingly, important business processes require moving data into the cloud, protecting it for cyber resiliency, moving it between clouds, and archiving it for safe retrieval in case of a disaster. As the volumes of both structured and unstructured data continue to grow exponentially, enterprise data mobility is required for organizations to fully extract all value from their data no matter where it lives.

What is data mobility in data management? And why does it matter?

Forward-thinking organizations are moving their data protection and disaster recovery services to the cloud to improve operational speed, agility, and efficiency. Many organizations maintain significant on-prem data assets despite no longer building new sites or buying new hardware. A data management solution that supports enterprise data mobility becomes essential for them.

Data management solutions that safeguard data while ensuring data mobility prevent disparate architectures from creating numerous isolated silos or otherwise impeding easy access to data by people, applications, and services.

Data mobility is a core capability of a data management platform that helps businesses efficiently manage and move data across heterogeneous environments. It ensures organizations can safely move, replicate, and synchronize data across multiple data centers or clouds. A data management platform built for data mobility also delivers the enterprise an overview of its data to set up policies, satisfy compliance regulations, protect against threats, and bridge the gap between infrastructure, protocols, and growing data volumes in a way that drives competitive advantage.

Cohesity and data mobility

Businesses across industries, likely even yours, are increasingly choosing hybrid and multicloud environments to run their operations. This strategy offers many advantages, including reliability, scalability, agility, and cost savings. Yet adopting a hybrid or multicloud strategy can also result in siloed processes without a way to easily move and exchange data between your cloud, on-prem, and edge operations.

The Cohesity Data Cloud is a central place to secure and manage all of your enterprise data, no matter where it is. Benefits of the Cohesity platform and approach include:

  • Protect data at enterprise scale Perform crucial functions for data protection and security, mobility, access, and AI-driven insights in an environment used by the world’s largest companies.
  • Eliminate data silos  Radically simplify infrastructure – or eliminate it entirely with SaaS – and manage your entire data estate with a single platform.
  • Reduce TCO with a modern platform  Eliminate expensive legacy systems and dramatically lower your CapEx and OpEx. You can also convert to OpEx only with our SaaS solution.

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