Tag: events

Road to VMworld – Goodbye Vegas; Next Stop, Barcelona!

It’s been a whirlwind week at VMworld for the Cohesity team: We kicked-off VMworld with lines around the booth the first night. vExperts were eager to get their special backpacks and others were eager to be…

A Day to Remember

Day 4 was even busier than the first three days combined at the Cohesity booth! We brought even more crowds to our booth since everyone wanted to learn how Cohesity deliver the industry’s first hyperconverged secondary…

Cohesity Adventure at VMworld – Let the fun begin!

VMworld is an amazing event with over 20,000+ attendees. Each year, this event brings something new and different than the last. This is Cohesity’s second VMworld and we have a full schedule ahead of us! Our…

Road to VMworld – Arrival

For those who have ever driven into Las Vegas, you know the drill; you stare at miles of empty desert for countless hours. The excitement of Vegas wears off during your long drive and it’s a…

Road to VMworld

At last year’s VMworld, Cohesity emerged from two years of stealth and began a new era for the storage industry; an infinitely scalable AND intelligent secondary storage platform. While scale-out systems have proliferated in the last decade,…

Cohesity at TechUNPLUGGED in London

Just a quick post to highlight a few takeaways from the recent (2nd annual) TechUNPLUGGED event held in London. First, a huge thanks to Enrico and Arjan for putting the show together and for reaching out…

Cohesity Will Be at VMworld 2015!

VMworld has become one of the biggest destination events for IT professionals. Every year, 20,000+ people descend on the Moscone Center in San Francisco to network, explore emerging tech, take self-guided hands-on-labs, and discuss problems with…
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