Apr 30, 2022|3 min|Company

Ransomware on the Rise: Learn How to Defend Your Data at Cohesity ReConnect

On April 4, 2022 a customer relationship management services provider disclosed losses of $34.8 billion in revenue and $7.3 million in costs related to mitigating a LockBit ransomware attack that happened in October 2021. Increasing ransomware incidents and a “Shields Up” warning from the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have made cybersecurity an even higher priority for CISOs and CIOs. Yet, organizations are often underprepared to defend and rapidly recover from today’s sophisticated ransomware attacks. And the cybercriminals have continued to up their game — for example, one highly active ransomware group  has hired coders, testers, system administrators, and other staff, all concentrating on honing their ransomware skills. They’ve moved on from encrypting production data to targeting the backup data and now stealing sensitive data with hopes for a guaranteed payout.

So what can your organization do? How can you update your cybersecurity posture so you are better prepared for threats as part of your broader data management strategy? Come to Cohesity ReConnect on May 10, 2022. In just under two hours, you’ll discover how to evolve your cybersecurity strategy to minimize the impact of ransomware. Join Cohesity experts, select customers, and leading partners in a series of four sessions that focus on the following topics.

Cybersecurity: What’s on the Mind of the CISO?

Ransomware has raised the cybersecurity stakes for all organizations. The spotlight is now on the CISO more than ever as ransomware pushes their focus far beyond establishing perimeter security controls. The opening session of ReConnect will focus on how CISOs are tackling this challenge that threatens their organization’s operations — if not its very existence.

Join our CISO panel — Clarke Rodgers of Amazon Web Services, Charles Spence of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, and Brian Spanswick of Cohesity — to understand what’s top of mind for today’s CISO and to hear their top tips for ransomware preparedness and survival.

It’s Time to Rethink Air Gap

CISA’s Shields Up guidance includes several backup and recovery recommendations, including the need to “ensure that backups are isolated from network connections.” However, this is often easier said than done. Traditional air gap methods are proving to be complex, costly, and unable to keep up with stringent business recovery SLAs.

In this panel discussion, ESG Analyst Dave Gruber and Greg Statton of Cohesity discuss industry best practices for data isolation and recovery and critical cyber resilient steps  enterprises can take in updating their data protection strategy for the modern era. You’ll get an inside look at Cohesity FortKnox — our newest Data Management as a Service offering — that creates an immutable copy of data in a Cohesity-managed cloud vault to provide an additional layer of ransomware protection.

Cybercrime: You Don’t Have to Fight it Alone

The cybersecurity environment is challenging, and the journey to enhancing your cyber resiliency is complex and full of surprises. Don’t fight cybercriminals alone. Use the collective knowledge of your community as you look to shore up your defenses.

Join Dion Dubé of the Canadian Western Bank, and Sean Halihan of Afni, Inc., as they answer common questions encountered while defending their data. You’ll learn from their experiences and build on the collective wisdom of organizations that are refusing the ransom.

It Takes a Village to Raise the Cybersecurity Bar

No one single person has all the answers. Delivering data security and trust at scale requires collaboration, diverse talent, and next-gen solutions to help you stay one (or even two) steps ahead.

In our final session, you’ll hear from enterprise security expert Greg Scholz of Cisco and Principal Technologist John Hildebrand of Cohesity on how the integration of Cisco SecureX with Cohesity DataProtect turns data security into a team sport that raises the cybersecurity bar. They’ll show you how you can accelerate the time to discover, investigate, and recover from ransomware attacks.

Cohesity ReConnect is your ticket to enhanced business resiliency in the age of ransomware. You’ll get pragmatic ideas and solutions for evolving your cybersecurity strategy and refusing the ransom. So, mark your calendar for May 10, and plan to attend. Get all the details and find out how to register here.

Written by


Raj Dutt

AVP Cloud Marketing


Raj Dutt

AVP Cloud Marketing

Raj leads product marketing for Cohesity’s data protection, security, and compliance solutions. He has 15 years of technology experience spanning across data management, networking, and IT security.

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