Mar 31, 2019|3 min|Company

How to Protect Your Business Data on World Backup Day

To mark this World Backup Day, ask yourself: is your existing backup solution performing per your expectations? Does it continue to meet your evolving business requirements? If you’ve answered “no” or hesitated in declaring a resounding “yes”, which most certainly might be the case, why continue on the same path and expect a different result?

The good news is that you are not alone. Gartner predicts that “By 2021, 50% of organizations will augment or replace their current backup application with another solution”, confirming that enterprises are now demanding more from their backup.

As you evaluate your next backup solution (or reevaluate your existing solution), keep these three things in mind.

  • Your backup should be simple, fast, and more efficient: At the end, it all boils down to recovery and operational efficiency… backup and recovery should be so simple and automated that it doesn’t require an army to operate and should support rapid mass recovery of data and apps to meet business SLAs.

    What customers say:

    • “Just like everywhere else, we are squeezed on cost. Getting maximum efficiency out of our backup storage is mandatory.”
    • “Time and efficiency = time saved and lower costs.”
    • “Efficiency enables us to increase our backup frequency and leveraging things like instant volume mounts and test/dev clones, which gives us new solutions to provide for the business.”
    • “We have enough resource constraints with keeping primary sources running, so the less time we have to spend on our backups the better!”
  • Your backup should provide easy and cost-effective cloud integration: Hybrid-cloud is today’s reality and your backup solution should seamlessly span from on-premises to the public cloud, enabling you to easily leverage the elasticity and economics of the public cloud for multiple use cases including application development with test/dev, long term archive, storage tier, and more.

    What customers say:

    • “I don’t want to be locked into some vendor’s proprietary cloud. I want to use the cloud storage that makes sense for me.”
    • “The more options you have the more flexible you can be.”
    • “In our case, cloud integration has enabled us to shut our colo facility and pivot to less expensive cloud storage.”
    • “The reason a company migrates from tape to cloud is for efficiencies and increased capabilities, not for cost, so cloud solutions need to be cost-effective.”
  • You should have the ability to derive insights from your backup data: Backup data is a very valuable asset and should be treated like that. If done correctly, backup data can help the organization meet their compliance requirements, from GDPR and HIPAA to defending against cyber attacks.

    What customers say:

    • “Analytics is key to all aspects of IT these days, and getting insights from your backup data just makes sense”
    • “You can measure all of the success factors (ROI, efficiency, time saved, etc) without insight.”
    • “Trending is important to keep tabs on with our backups in order to keep them in check.”
    • “It is important to be able to get detailed statistical info in order to manage space and time when it comes to backups.”


#Demandmore #backup
In order to support your 24×7 business requirements, you can no longer rely on legacy backup solutions that are stuck in the stone age. Your business demands more from IT and you need to demand more from your backup to support your modern business-critical applications. You need a modern, simple-to-operate backup solution that offers rapid recovery at scale, an easy and cost-efficient hybrid-cloud strategy and capability to make backup data productive.

Written by


Raj Dutt

AVP Cloud Marketing


Raj Dutt

AVP Cloud Marketing

Raj leads product marketing for Cohesity’s data protection, security, and compliance solutions. He has 15 years of technology experience spanning across data management, networking, and IT security.

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