Jun 8, 2018|3 min|Company

Partnering with Cisco is Good for Everyone especially Customers

How Customers Benefit from Cisco’s Partnership Strategy

No technology is an island in IT. And any product of value must integrate with an ecosystem around them. Customers don’t just want integrated solutions – they require it! They need integrated solutions to ensure there are no technology gaps, that the components work seamlessly together, the solutions deliver on the business requirements, and there’s a high-quality support team that ensures their business stays up and running.

Take Cohesity as a prime example. We are working in a complex environment in the data center, with Cisco being a major player. That’s why Cohesity and Cisco partnered to provide Cisco customers with benefits of integrated solutions and build their digital foundation from edge to core to cloud. Cohesity has been a strong partner for Cisco since April 2017. Working together, Cohesity complements Cisco to address all secondary data requirements – including target storage, backup, replication, disaster recovery, files, objects, test/dev copies, analytics data, and cloud tiering, on a single platform.

Cohesity-Cisco Joint Solutions

Cohesity allows Cisco customers to turn their most important asset – their data – that is at best dormant, into tangible value by unlocking additional use-cases that have never before been possible. Cohesity has integrated its software on Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS), so customers can stay with their preferred Cisco hardware. Cohesity also provides enterprise-class backup and recovery for applications running on Cisco HyperFlex that’s optimally configured for data protection. In addition, Cohesity allows Cisco customers end to end, next generation, cloud-in-a-box capabilities – such as long-term retention, cloud tiering, cloud test/dev, on-premise-to-cloud and cloud-to-cloud disaster recovery, direct backup to the cloud, and cloud-native backup – in their transition to the cloud.

Web-scale Simplicity for Secondary Data and Apps, Powered by Cohesity & Cisco

Here’s how one partner describes his company’s experience with deploying the joint Cohesity-Cisco UCS solution.

As data centers increase their investment in both hyperconvergence and software-defined infrastructures, the combination of Cohesity’s powerful DataPlatform software with Cisco’s UCS systems fits this strategy nicely. The joint Cohesity-Cisco UCS solution extends infrastructure consolidation beyond primary workloads into secondary workloads, which comprise the bulk of datacenter footprint today.
–John Bristol, Vice President of Architecture, Trace3″

Learn More

To learn more about the joint Cohesity and Cisco solutions, refer to the following documents:

Better yet, if you’re attending Ciscolive! next week, come see for yourself. You’ll find us at Booth #1359 and Cisco’s Investment Village, and at the Breakout Session with Mike Riley on Tuesday, June 12 at 12:30 – 1:00 PM discussing Cohesity and Cisco HyperFlex, hyperconvergence top down for a modern data center architecture.

In addition, there are two speaker sessions at the Investment Village on Monday, June 11 at 5:25 PM and Thursday, June 14 at 11:10 AM. These will both cover Cohesity and Cisco HyperFlex – Hyperconvergence top down for a modern data center architecture.

And, don’t miss the live streaming interview of Lynn Lucas (CMO, Cohesity) at theCUBE on Tuesday, June 12 at 10:30 AM. You can also see a live interview with Rob Salmon, (COO, Cohesity) on the Ciscolive! Broadcast from 5:00 to 5:30 PM. Finally, we’re excited to be part of the Cisco Champions program and will be recording a segment at Ciscolive! with the team. Catch Cohesity segment via our social channels after the event!

Join us for the Cohesity Party featuring Ludacris at Ciscolive!. For more information, visit Cohesity at Ciscolive!.

Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn and like us on Facebook.

Written by


Sanjeev Desai

Senior Director, Solutions Marketing


Sanjeev Desai

Senior Director, Solutions Marketing

Sanjeev Desai is a Sr. Director, Solutions Marketing at Cohesity, responsible for leading product marketing for industry-partner solutions. He is a customer-centric leader with expertise in Product Management & Marketing that ranges across software start-ups, Fortune500, and cloud/SaaS companies.

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