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Oct 17, 2019|2 min|Developers

NAS Data Migration through Python SDK Automation

We recently got on a call with our customer, which is one of the biggest financial payment companies, and they talked about their delightful experience using Cohesity DataPlatform for backing up mission critical data. The customer had now decided to start using Cohesity DataPlatform for NAS capabilities. They had already invested heavily in their existing NAS, so they wanted to work on a solution that would make it easier to move to Cohesity without any downtime for their applications.

Customer NAS Migration Requirements

  • Migrate existing contents of their NAS to Cohesity.
  • Since the incoming data was huge and unpredictable in scale, have the flexibility for creating the Cohesity NAS on demand.
  • Whitelist the App Server IPs which have the existing NAS shares mounted along with specified quota for each NAS
  • Mount the Cohesity shares on to the App Servers.
  • Scale hundreds of NAS shares.
  • Configurable number of Cohesity clusters.

Not so long ago, we released our Python SDK, with support for full Cohesity APIs and 1-command install (pip install cohesity_mangement_sdk). Once the requirements were clear, it was easy for us to leverage the SDK and script this out in a scalable way. We first register the endpoints as a backup source, and then back up the data to Cohesity. Keeping in mind the flexibility of the cutover date and provide on-demand backup capability. This was easy to do because of our SnapFS design and instant restore capabilities. Once the customer is comfortable in making the switch, they create a Cohesity View (NFS share) of the latest snapshot and apply different attributes such as whitelist, quota, permissions.

The customer was able to migrate hundreds of file shares onto Cohesity Clusters. The icing on the cake: the scripts are now referenced and used for similar or variant requirements encountered by other customers.

Being an API-first company gives us a solid foundation for offering customers our SDKs and integrations. The extensibility of APIs and ease of consumption thorough SDKs is highlighted with our customers and partners. Feel free to checkout our work in our GitHub and connect with us to

Enough talk! Show me the code: It’s here!

Written by


Ashish Bhat

Staff Engineer


Ashish Bhat

Staff Engineer

Ashish Bhat leads the API Integrations team at Cohesity. His team focusses on simplifying interactions & consumption Cohesity APIs with popular, open-source and customer prefered orchestrations/tooling. He brings over 8 years of start-up experience which includes Nutanix, Palantir, NetApp.

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