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Simplify cyber vaulting with Cohesity FortKnox


Did you know that one in five enterprises uses the public cloud as an isolated/air-gapped storage repository to protect against ransomware and other cybersecurity threats?

Watch on-demand as Evaluator Group Senior Analyst Krista Macomber shares findings from a technical validation study of Cohesity FortKnox—our award-winning cyber vaulting as-a-service solution. You’ll learn how to:

  • Safeguard your critical data with a virtual air gap, access controls, encryption, and more
  • Eliminate complexity and reduce costs of “DIY” approaches
  • Keep your business running even after a cybersecurity incident
Krista Macomber

Krista Macomber
Senior Analyst
Evaluator Group

Theresa Miller

Theresa Miller
Director, Technical Advocacy Group

Nikitha Omkar

Nikitha Omkar
Sr. Product Marketing Manager

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