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Vault and recover your data with Cohesity FortKnox

Watch step-by-step demo of Cohesity FortKnox.

Now’s your chance to get up close and personal with the Cohesity FortKnox Dashboard.

During this demo with our principal technologist, you’ll see firsthand how to create either Azure- or AWS-based cloud vaults; look at an example of a quorum view and dig into its functionality; and walk through how to add vault protection to your existing policy.

So instead of just telling you that Cohesity FortKnox provides an additional layer of protection against ransomware and other cybersecurity threats, we’ll show you how it safeguards your most critical data and provides rapid recovery to any location.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Connect to our Cohesity-managed service
  • Vault your data quickly and easily
  • Recover confidently if ransomware strikes

Shelly Calhoun-Jones
Principal Technologist,

Nikitha omkar

Nikitha Omkar
Senior Product Marketing Manager,

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