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Evaluator Group Lab Insight Report: Validation of Cohesity Accelerated Recovery from Ransomware

Evaluator Group Report Validates Cohesity Accelerated Recovery from Ransomware

Cybercriminals are exploiting fear and uncertainty during the COVID-19 global crisis, resulting in a dramatic rise in ransomware attacks.

In a series of lab validations, Evaluator Group confirmed Cohesity is a strong solution for enterprises struggling with the increasingly difficult task of protecting against and rapidly recovering from ransomware attacks.

In this report, Evaluator Group reveals how Cohesity covers the core tenets of ransomware protection, including:

  • Protecting backup data from becoming a ransomware target
  • Using backup data to reduce the risk of production systems being compromised
  • Employing machine learning to identify that an attack has occurred and mitigate the spread of damage
  • Getting the business back online as quickly as possible following an attack

Read the report to get the detailed analysis from Evaluator Group.

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